Thursday, May 2, 2013

Stay Safe and Enjoy the Warmer Weather

Take these precautions before you leave the house:

Well, spring has finally sprung and everyone is anxious to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather.  But, before you run out the door, don’t forget to take a few simple precautions for your own personal safety and that of your family!

First and foremost –
pay attention to how you leave your home. 
  •  Do you have your keys and cell phone for emergencies?
  •  Did you make sure all the doors and windows to your home are locked?
  •  Are you going to be gone past dark, and did you leave some lights on?
  •  Try to leave your home fairly tidy – it will be easier to notice if someone has been in your home while you were gone.
If you are going to be walking/jogging:
  •  Walk in groups of two or three
  •  Travel facing on-coming traffic – a person walking with traffic can easily be followed and forced into a vehicle or abducted
  •  At night, stay in well lit, public areas
  •  Always be aware of your surroundings
  • If someone seems to be following you, or moving into your personal space try speeding up or crossing the street – if they follow, run!  If they chase after you, scream loudly and head for a public place like a convenience store or restaurant
  • Carry a personal safety alarm with a panic button, or a pepper spray.  These are quite inexpensive, and some even come with a built-in whistle or flashlight.
  •  Don’t walk or jog in “out-of-the-way” or remote areas
When you arrive home, but before you go in,
  • Take a quick look at your windows, doors, and around your house – does anything look disturbed?
  • Was your door still locked?
  • When you open the door, does everything look as you left it?
  • If anything looks disturbed, or different DON’T GO INSIDE!  The safest practice is to go to the neighbors and call the police from there.  Wait for the police to come before you go near your home.


**Please share your thoughts, or any tips you might have!

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