Monday, May 20, 2013


Spring is a busy time of year as you dust off the cobwebs, set up the patio furniture, and start weeding the flower beds.  Then you look around at your home you may find that things need a little “brightening up” and perhaps even a little “fixing up” before you start inviting friends over for that get together!  In this economy you might think your budget would cramp your style but that doesn't have to be the case.  There are lots of ways to brighten your home’s curb appeal on a budget, and even add to the protection of your family and your guests!
shrubs no higher than window sill
First let’s start with the basic trim!  Yes, folks, simply trimming your bushes and trees can go a long way towards deterring thieves from coming onto your property - and at the same time, give your home a fresh, cleaned up look!  Those bushes in front of your windows need to be trimmed below the window sills and the under-growth trimmed away.  By doing this you are taking away a potential hiding place for would be intruders, and showing off the beauty of your home.  While you’re at it, illuminate those hiding places with a few well-placed landscaping spot lights.  Focus your spot lights up at windows and even trees to give your landscaping a modern, updated look.
pathway lights keep you from stumbling in the dark

And don’t worry about spending a lot of cash or hiring an electrician to do the wiring.  You can cut out those costs by using solar lights.  They are very affordable, efficient, and easy to install; and now come in a wide variety of styles and colors to fit any design.  You could light up a pathway for looks and for safety for under $20.  Spotlights can be staked in the yard or mounted to a flat surface, and can be purchased for around $10 up.  Even a powerful motion sensor light placed near a back entry or on the garage to light the driveway can be as affordable as $50.
motion sensor lights shine on those who don't want to be seen
Solar lighting has come a long way, and while it may not be quite as bright and reliable as traditional wired lighting, it certainly is a fast, affordable, and energy efficient way to give your home that fresh, bright curb appeal you are looking for, while adding to your home’s line of protection for your family and your property!

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