Thursday, September 13, 2012

Flying By The Seat Of My Pants

Okay, so I'm new to this blogging stuff, and not very well informed!  All right - I admit it - I apparently have done something that makes the little "blogger bots" think I am a spammer!   Now, you may not see this post, since I have to wait for the review to unlock our blog, but for those of you, brave enough to still travel to our site, I can assure you, I am not a spammer - neither is my boss, for whom I am writing this blog .  

The intentions of our blog is to give people a place to go to find answers to their questions about securing their homes and loved ones.  My boss is an expert on security systems, as he has been in the business for 18 (I think) years now, and really strives to give his customers the best equipment and service at a fair price.  So, if you are thinking about security for your home or business, and just want some questions answered - this is the place to come.  Feel free to post your questions about anything to do with security, and Gary will answer them!  Maybe you don't understand all the technical terms you've been given, and just want to feel like you can make an informed decision on your own - or maybe you're not sure what type of security will best meet your needs - ask Gary!  You're shopping on line and one camera looks the same as the next, and you just don't know how to choose - ask Gary, and he will help you make an informed decision.

Me - I am just a single mom who, for the past 22 years, have raised 3 wonderful children, welcomed 7 grandchildren,  and spent many agonizing moments worrying about keeping my family safe.  I'm a big Do-It-Yourself-er, (as most single mom's have to be to pay the bills), and I love watching all those shows that invite experts on to show you "how to do this" and  "how to do that" - and, I'm kind of a sponge when it comes to that kind of knowledge.  So, I will try to keep you informed on little, inexpensive ways you can help keep your family, and your property safe and secure.  I'll pass along little tips I have learned over the years, and also share any new tricks that I find along the way, so we can all benefit!  I also welcome you, our guests, to share any helpful hints you may have with us, and others, who are following this blog - after all, knowledge is only useful when it is shared!

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