Friday, December 21, 2012


There really are no words to say to those who have been forever changed by the tragedy in Newtown, CT.  I know, because I’ve been through this before.  I’ve been standing at the kitchen sink cleaning up from lunch, when the local news flashes a bulletin across the screen saying a shooting has just been reported at your child’s school!  From that moment on, you hear almost nothing except for the ramblings of your own mind.  Fear takes over every shred of common sense that once controlled your thoughts.  Visions enter your head that you think are the most horrifying you will ever see...until you see the reality!

And the reality is that nothing will ever prepare you for what you are now experiencing.  No amount of planning or training, as a parent or as a professional, can truly ever prepare you for this.  The one most important thing to remember is that you are not alone!  There are others with the same helpless feelings – questioning why?  Wondering how such a loving God could let something so cold and heartless happen to such innocent children and the ones guarding over them.

I want to share with you a poem, written by Emily Dickenson called “I Shall Know Why”. Ironically, this very poem was being taught to a class of Westside Middle School students on the morning of March 24, 1998 – just hours before their tragic school shooting occurred.

                             "I Shall Know Why"
                              by Emily Dickenson
                I shall know why when time is over,
               And I have ceased to wonder why:
               Christ will explain each separate anguish
               In the fair schoolroom of the sky.
               He will tell me what Peter promised
               And I, for wonder at his woe,
               I shall forget the drop of anguish,
               That scalds me now, that scalds me now.

As parents and educators, you now have the daunting task of helping to heal the survivors – while yet; you are trying to heal yourself.  Although it may seem impossible, we all know that anything is possible with the help of God.  So don’t hesitate to pray – don’t hesitate to share your feelings with one another.  Let the children express how they are feeling, and write their feelings down in stories and poems, or even song.  Let them draw pictures and make cards to send to grieving parents, or to place on the empty desk of their fallen classmates.  There is strength in numbers, and this is certainly a time to utilize the strength of you family, your church, your friends and your community.

As the outpouring of love comes in from the world around you, take it all in.  Let yourselves be comforted by the loving thoughts from all of us, to all of you – and let our prayers be tissues for your tears!

Friday, December 14, 2012



Cyber shopping for the holidays has become very popular.  The ease of shopping from your kitchen table, still in your pajamas with your coffee mug in hand seems to be the perfect answer to a busy parent’s nightmare.  With no leaving the house, no fighting with a crowd, no waiting in the check-out line, nearly $22 million dollars will be spent this holiday season for online shopping – and thieves love it!!

The Grinch that may be stealing your Christmas doesn't even wear a mask to cover his/her face.  In fact, more and more are pulling their cars right into your driveway and casually loading your parcel, just delivered by UPS, FedEx, or USPS into their vehicle in broad daylight.  As seen in the surveillance camera footage here, this Christmas crab looks right into the camera as he loads the box into his car.

Some are even more brazen, as they search through parking lots of busy shopping malls, looking for cars and SUV’s loaded down with gifts.  Just today, reported that “Duran Duran star, Simon LeBon is fuming” after thieves bashed in the back window of his vehicle, stealing all of his gifts, while he was parked at Cadogan Place car park in London.

So here are just a few tips to help protect your shopping treasures, and keep your holiday spirits bright!!
  • When shopping online, use a delivery service that offers tracking.  Make sure to keep up with your package, and know when it will be delivered.  Have a neighbor pick it the package as soon as it is delivered – or if that isn’t possible, have your delivery man leave your package in an area that is not easily visible from the street.
  • When you’re out shopping for gifts, always put your packages in the trunk of your car, or under a locked bed cover of your pickup.  If you drive an SUV, try to place packages under the seats or place them in an under-floor storage compartment.  The idea is to keep them being visible as people walk by your vehicle.
  • Another tip for the shopping mall is to keep your wallet close to your body.  Pick pockets call pull a wallet out of your back pocket without you even knowing it, and thieves love to see women carry those big open purses.  Crowded check-out lines make it very easy to reach in and grab your wallet that may carry all your cash and credit cards – even your check book and ID’s.
  • Also, once you arrive home and wrap those presents to put under the tree, make sure they are not near a big window with the curtains open.  Thieves scoping your house will watch until that stash of gifts fills up, and then wait for you to go off to that office Christmas party, as they treat themselves to all your holiday treasures!
So keep the Grinch out of your holidays, and have yourself a very Merry Christmasand a Happy Hanukah!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


With the Holidays right around the corner, you may already be doing your pre-planning. But do you know what you need to do to protect your home during these times?

There's a lot more involved than what you might think. Picture this. The family is headed out for their usual shopping spree, or simply going to a friends or families home for some Holiday Cheer. Not long after, they realize they had left something at home, so they turn around and go back to the house. Upon arrival they’ve discovered their home was in the process of being robbed.

Burglars in many particular instances are aware that a family is going to be gone for a while. While the facts of how they know aren’t always known, it's not difficult to guess. Many homeowners mistakenly communicate that they're going to be gone for a time, both directly and indirectly. To ensure you don't make the common mistakes that leave your home at risk of being burglarized during this holiday season, be sure to Install a security system and incorporate the following home security tips into your plans.

Be extra careful about the information you share across your social networks. Using today's popular social networks and mobile phone apps to post photos and updates of your comings and goings is a great way to keep your family and friends in the know. But using them to plan and post information about your families holidays or friends and relatives that you are visiting during this time can be a crucial mistake. No matter how excited you are about this time of year, the more people you tell about your where-about, the higher the risk of a home burglary if that information falls into the wrong hands.

Keep in mind that the true purpose of the holiday season is to enjoy one another’s company and have some fun with those who mean the most to you. So play it safe, follow these basic home security tips and save all of those pictures and commentary until after the holiday season.

Friday, November 9, 2012


While researching some more details about security cameras I came across this video, and I wanted to share it with you. After all the name-calling and mud-slinging, this should make you feel good about Americans again!!

Watch and see for yourself:

Friday, November 2, 2012


So Easy, Even Your Neighbors Can Help!

I know it’s been a while – so sorry for that, but opening up a small retail store takes lots, and lots of time and energy! Well, I’m back and I want to finish this 4 part series, because these are some of the best and simplest ideas I've found yet – and most of them won’t cost you a penny!! Really, some of these ideas are so common-sense, and so easy, you'll wonder why you didn't think of them yourself! I know I did!

First – if you’re going to be away from your home for several days:
  • Ask a neighbor to use your driveway for one of their cars, giving the appearance that someone is home
  • Go to the post office a few days in advance to make sure they stop delivery of your mail while you are away – an overflowing mailbox is a sure sign that no one is home
  • Stop delivery of all newspapers, and ask your neighbor to remove anything left at your door from advertisers, organizations, or politicians
  • Keep the yard mowed – if it’s warm enough for the grass to keep growing you might ask a neighborhood teen, or a niece or nephew to keep it clipped and earn themselves some spending money
  • If the weather has turned cooler, have that same young teen sweep the path to your front door, keeping it free from leaves or snow
  • You’ll also want to have the neighbor walk through that new fallen snow – giving the appearance that someone has gone from the front door to the mailbox, or from the car they are parking in your driveway to the front door or garage door

Second - Don't forget the simple things:
  • Home or away, you don’t want things lying around that a burglar could use to gain entry, such as a ladder/step ladder, boxes or crates that could be stacked up to reach higher windows, etc.
  • Don’t advertise that you are gone by leaving a note on the door for delivery or repairmen
  • Don’t post on social media that you are going on a trip, or when you will be gone. You never know how your friends have their security settings!
  • Don’t leave a message on your answering machine that you are away – you never know who’s just outside your window listening
  • Turn your phone ringer down so those outside won’t hear that there’s no one home to answer the phone
Many burglars have a system of scoping out their victims homes before they attempt a break in.  They might be dressed like a local utility man reading the meter, while checking for an easy entry location to your home.  They could be the guy looking for his stray pet, or even the person hanging door ads for the local pizza joint.  Sometimes they may be the person who delivered that new appliance you bought last week, or the guy who came in to demonstrate his carpet cleaning system.

Whoever they may be and wherever they come from, we all want to protect our family and our possessions. It may take a little extra time at first, until some of these ideas become second nature to you, but in the end it is all sooo worth it!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Help Keep Your Home Safe!

Last week I started a 4-part article on simple tricks to keep your home safe from burglars and unwanted intruders. So far we've discussed landscaping and lighting, and how you can use these elements to make your home a safer and more secure place to live. In part 2, I suggested using timers on indoor lights, to create the appearance that someone is at home.

Now I want to suggest more ways to utilize those times; and offer a few other simple tricks that will help keep the bad guys from stealing your possessions, or compromising your safety.


Timers are your friend! I know I mentioned them before, but they are very inexpensive ($12 to $60), maybe a little more for all the bells and whistles, but really – the cheaper ones are, in my opinion, the best value. They do the job (that is, make it appear that someone is home using the lights), and they are very simple to program and operate. Two or three timers, depending on the size of your home, and number of daily occupants, are all you’ll need. Think about where you should place them – what lights are commonly used in your home when you are there, i.e.; a living room or family room where you hang out and watch TV at night, or perhaps a bedroom where teenagers or other adults spend their evenings playing games or using computers. You might also want to consider adding one to a radio that is tuned into the station you listen to while getting dressed in the morning, or while fixing dinner at night.

Doors and Windows

Burglars like to get into your house as quickly as possible, so making that more difficult may cause them to give up and go on down the street. Sometimes a simple sign, placed near the door, stating that “this home is protected by…” will cause a burglar to choose another target. If it doesn’t, a sturdy, solid core wood, or metal door should always be used for entryways – even the door coming in from the garage.

Equip the doors with dead-bolt locks – at least 1-1 ½” dead bolt, with a reinforced metal box strike. Using 3” screws to secure the strike box will make sure it is firmly attached to the door frame, and not just the door jam. Installing a “peek hole” in all outer doors will allow you to see who’s there before you open and let them in.

If you have a patio door, even if it does have a sturdy lock, you should also have a metal bar, or thick wooden dowel (old broom handle) that fits into the middle track to keep the door from being opened.

Use your window locks!! Whether you are leaving home for a short time, several days, or just going to bed at night; your windows should be closed and locked. Most thieves will try to gain entry from a window, so don’t make it easy for them. If you are using the window for ventilation, equip it with a metal bar or heavy wooden dowel placed in the top half of the window that will allow you to open it 6 or 7 inches, but no more. And if you have old wooden framed windows with no locks, there are many inexpensive window locks available that are simple to install – just consider the style that is best for you. Some of them require the use of a key or even a small screw-in stop; so if you’re not good at keeping track of small gadgets like that, consider one of the other options. And don’t forget about your basement windows – they are very attractive to a thief because of their location. Go online, or consult your home improvement expert to find the best window security solutions that fit your budget.

Also consider the type of screen that is covering your window. Many windows have screen wire that is fairly easy to rip open, especially older screens that already have some small tear or hole, so you may want to replace those with a stronger variety of aluminum or fiberglass screen – or even consider replacing those screens with a heavier frame security screen. And keep your garage door closed - even when you are home!! Many reported thefts are taken from an open garage, even while the home owners are present.

Additional Options

There are a couple of additional gadgets that are worth mentioning that aren’t too expensive. First is the fake TV (or TV simulation lamp). This is one I might actually considering spending the money on, as it has great reviews, and really isn’t any more expensive than a cheap DVD player – about $35. This gadget simulates the glow from a TV, and uses no more energy than a night light. The random movement of light glowing through a curtain or closed blind gives the illusion that someone is home watching TV – especially when used in a darkened room.

The second gadget you may already have, but probably never thought of using it in this way, is your car alarm - especially if you live alone, or are going to be alone for a night or two. Carry the remote for your car alarm to bed with you and keep it on the nightstand. If you hear a noise, and are unsure of what it may be, just press the button and turn on your car alarm. You can always turn it off as soon as you are sure things are safe, but it will certainly help to scare off any unwanted intruder without you leaving the bedroom!

Lastly, always keep things stored away that could aid an intruder in gaining entry to your home; such as ladders left out from cleaning the gutters or windows, or crates, boxes, or anything that could be stacked up to climb into an upper window. Be smart, and take a few minutes to look at your home through the eyes of a thief. What is the quickest way to enter this home, what can I use to make it easier to break into, and where can I hide if someone comes by? Protect your family and you possessions – not the bad guys!

*Watch for the last part of this article to learn simple ways your neighbors can help you protect your home.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Help Keep Your Home Safe!

This is the second part of a four-part article on low cost/no cost tricks you can apply to help make your home safe and secure from unwanted intruders. If you read the first part of this article, you know that I talk in great depth about using landscaping to improve your home’s security. So, while you are planning the landscaping of your home, think about adding some lighting to your plan. In fact, while we’re on that subject, let’s talk about the use of lighting in many different ways to make your home more intimidating, and keep the bad guys away!

Clever Lighting

Adding lighting to your landscape design is kind of like adding some sparkle, or that extra finishing touch that can really heighten your home’s curb appeal! But here’s the added bonus – outdoor lighting is a really great way to deter criminals from setting foot on your property.

Some low voltage up-lights will enhance the appearance of trees and large shrubs, and also make it harder for burglars to hide behind or beneath them.

Motion sensor lights are a great addition to all your entry ways. They will keep friends and family from stumbling in the dark, while putting the “spot light” on criminal activity. They are very inexpensive and well worth the investment.

Another “bright idea” (pardon the pun) that won’t break your budget is to use solar lights. Decorative solar ornaments and path markers could be placed along walkways or in planting beds around your home, giving off a soft glow that will cast a shadow on an intruder. Solar lights can also be in the form of motion-sensor lights, spot lights, decorative lamp posts, or just about any form of outdoor lighting you might need. There are many different price ranges, but since the power source is free, you are paying for the quality of the lamp itself, and that is where a few extra dollars may be worth it in the long run. Do remember that the solar panels on these lights need to be cleaned periodically to keep them at their brightest.

Lighting tricks don’t stop at the door, though, when talking about scaring away the bad guys. Many of us leave a light on when we are away from home at night, but think about the signals you may be sending to a prospective burglar who is scoping out your property. If the curtains are open, do you really want to leave a light shining on your new flat screen TV, game console, or computer? Burglars look for things they can grab and go in a hurry, and you’re advertising some great selections for them! What about those folks who always leave on the light above the kitchen sink? Yes, that is just enough light for you to enter your home after dark without stumbling, but to a burglar, it’s a clear sign that no one is home! What lights do you have on when you are home for the evening? Those are the ones you want to leave on when you are away. You may be using a little more electricity, but it’s a small price to pay – all things considered.

And one last trick to consider; if you are going to be away overnight or several days, why not purchase a few programmable timers. These little gadgets are inexpensive – about $12 - $60 each and many of them can be plugged right into your existing wall outlet. Plug in your lamp, maybe a TV, and even a bedroom lamp, and let the timer turn them on and off at appropriate times so those on the outside believe there is someone on the inside!

Just remember to think like the bad guy! What signals would a thief look for that might tell him your home is an easy target – or that he better move on down the road, because someone may be home or may be watching!

**This is part 2 of a 4-part article on home safety tips to protect your home from intruders. Please watch for more of this article in my next blog post! I invite you to add your comments, questions, or suggestions about any of these ideas – or some others you have tried. I want this blog to be a place where we can all share and learn from each other!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Help Keep Your Home Safe!

We all want to protect our families, and make our home a safe and secure place to live. Crime rates are always increasing – even in small towns and rural areas, and cutbacks in local, state, and federal government’s means fewer on-duty officers to patrol neighborhoods, and fewer resources to investigate crimes. Improved technology offers many affordable solutions in home alarm systems and security cameras, but there are still some clever, inexpensive tricks we can do in and around our homes to make them safer, and give us all some “peace of mind”.

Smart Landscaping

While everyone knows that good landscaping can improve the looks, and increase the value of your home; many don’t realize that it can also help to deter criminal activity.

Think about the location of trees around your home! Make sure that ornamental trees – especially evergreens, are not located too near windows and doors. Burglars can hide behind them as others pass by your property. Larger shade trees need to be pruned so that lower, canopy limbs don’t overhang roofs, providing another possible entry for unwanted intruders. Keep bushes trimmed below the window sill, and prune lower branches away from the ground, making it harder for a burglar to use them as cover. These tips can also improve the visibility of your home, allowing neighbors and police to view suspicious activities, and warn you of possible intrusion or theft.

You can also think about including thorny or spiky plants into your landscaping. Bushes such as American or English Holly planted under windows provide a prickly surprise when thieves try to hind behind them. Roses can also be pruned to a bush shape to deter criminals and add beauty. Don’t forget, when considering this type of deterrent that you may also need to use these windows as an escape route in case of fire.

There are also many varieties of thorny climbing shrubs that can be planted near a chain link fence to keep intruders from gaining entrance through your back yard. Blackberry vines, climbing roses, and bougainvillea are just some of the many types that will provide fruit or beauty, while offering a painful hindrance for those trying to jump over or climb your fence.

Lastly, when considering a trellis, make sure it doesn’t provide access into a second story window. Keep the trellis short and lightweight so no one can climb it. You might also want to consider a thorny or slippery plant for your trellis.

Just remember to take a good look at your overall landscaping design. Check out the street view of your home, and consider how a burglar might try to use your trees and shrubs as a way to hide or gain entry into your home.

**This is part of a 4-part article about home safety tips. Please watch for the continuation of this article in my next post!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Flying By The Seat Of My Pants

Okay, so I'm new to this blogging stuff, and not very well informed!  All right - I admit it - I apparently have done something that makes the little "blogger bots" think I am a spammer!   Now, you may not see this post, since I have to wait for the review to unlock our blog, but for those of you, brave enough to still travel to our site, I can assure you, I am not a spammer - neither is my boss, for whom I am writing this blog .  

The intentions of our blog is to give people a place to go to find answers to their questions about securing their homes and loved ones.  My boss is an expert on security systems, as he has been in the business for 18 (I think) years now, and really strives to give his customers the best equipment and service at a fair price.  So, if you are thinking about security for your home or business, and just want some questions answered - this is the place to come.  Feel free to post your questions about anything to do with security, and Gary will answer them!  Maybe you don't understand all the technical terms you've been given, and just want to feel like you can make an informed decision on your own - or maybe you're not sure what type of security will best meet your needs - ask Gary!  You're shopping on line and one camera looks the same as the next, and you just don't know how to choose - ask Gary, and he will help you make an informed decision.

Me - I am just a single mom who, for the past 22 years, have raised 3 wonderful children, welcomed 7 grandchildren,  and spent many agonizing moments worrying about keeping my family safe.  I'm a big Do-It-Yourself-er, (as most single mom's have to be to pay the bills), and I love watching all those shows that invite experts on to show you "how to do this" and  "how to do that" - and, I'm kind of a sponge when it comes to that kind of knowledge.  So, I will try to keep you informed on little, inexpensive ways you can help keep your family, and your property safe and secure.  I'll pass along little tips I have learned over the years, and also share any new tricks that I find along the way, so we can all benefit!  I also welcome you, our guests, to share any helpful hints you may have with us, and others, who are following this blog - after all, knowledge is only useful when it is shared!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Top 10 Reasons To Buy Security Cameras

The cost of modern technology is steadily becoming more affordable for the average person; and with the cutbacks that are being made to police and sheriff departments everywhere, partnered with the increase in reported thefts and burglaries, home owners and business owners are wondering if it is time to consider buying security camera systems to protect property and loved ones.

If you are one of those weighing affordability versus practicality, here is a list of 10 reasons to add security cameras to your next budget.


  1. Deter criminals from approaching your property
  2. Keep any eye on kids playing in the backyard, or monitor cars in the driveway
  3. Be alerted to activity inside your home while on vacation or at work
  4. Catch a vandal who destroys your property
  5. See who's at the door before you open it


  1. Cameras not only abate theft from outsiders, but will also curb internal theft
  2. Allows business owner to monitor activities at more than one location
  3. Monitor employee productivity, and improve efficiency at business
  4. Provide added security for "late night" employees and customers
  5. Budget cutbacks to sheriff & police departments everywhere means reduced resources to respond and investigate crimes. Security camera footage can provide that critical piece of evidence that will encourage police to investigate criminal activity at your home or business